Moola Bandha - Anal Lock

"Moola" means "root", "basis", "source" or "cause" in Sanskrit. It also means anal region. 'Moola Bandha' means 'Anal Lock'.
Jalandhara Bandha


  • 1. Sit erect on the carpet in Siddhasana, pressing well the perineum with the left heel.
  • 2. Look straight ahead.
  • 3. Take a deep breath.
  • 4. Exhale slowly and as the abdomen contracts, close the anal aperture tightly, and then contract both the internal and the external sphincter muscles vigorously and continuously and draw them upwards.
  • 5. Intensify the contraction and lifting of the anal sphincter muscles after completing the exhalation.
  • 6. Try to get the maximum contraction but do not contract violently.
  • 7. Hold the contraction from five to ten seconds without discomfort.
  • 8. Inhale slowly and, while inhaling, relax the anal sphincter muscles slowly.

  • * Perform five turns of this Bandha in succession in the beginning, and increase by one turn every week up to a maximum of ten turns for gaining the maximum amount of physical benefit.
  • * Relax for about five seconds between the contractions.


  • * Moola Bandha benefits the prostate gland, the gonads, the perineal body and the pelvic muscles.
  • * The pelvic floor receives an increased blood supply.
  • * It gives relief in several disorders of the urogenital and systems.
  • * It prevents piles, fistula and prostatic hypertrophy. If ailments are already present, it reduces their severity prevents further complications.
  • * It prevents a prolapse of the rectum.
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