"Ardha" means "half" in Sanskrit. Since the full posture is difficult to be practiced, the half-posture, which is easier, is followed widely. This posture was first promoted by the great Yogi Matsyendranath, one of the founders of Hatha Yoga, and hence the name.
Ardha Matsyendrasana
* Ardha Matsyendrasana is considered to be the best of the twisting postures as it rotates the spine around its own axis besides giving two side-twists to the spine throughout its length with the greatest efficacy, using one's own arm and knee as a lever.
Ardha Matsyendrasana
- 1. Sit erect.
- 2. Stretch out your legs.
- 3. Place the right heel in the perineum. Keep the right thigh straight.
- 4. Place the left foot flat on the floor, crossing the right knee.
- 5. The left heel should rest close to the right side of the right knee.
- 6. Pass the right arm over the left side of the left knee and line it up with the left calf.
- 7. Grasp the left big toe with the index finger, middle finger and thumb of the right hand.
- 8. Slide the left hand across the small of the back and grasp the root of the right thigh.
- 9. Turn round your head, neck, shoulders and the whole trunk to the left and bring the chin in line with the left shoulder.
- 10. Look as far behind you as you can. Keep the head and spine erect.
- 11. Maintain this position until strain is felt.
- 12. Release in the reverse order.
- 13. Repeat on the other side.
* Ardha Matsyendrasana is considered to be the best of the twisting postures as it rotates the spine around its own axis besides giving two side-twists to the spine throughout its length with the greatest efficacy, using one's own arm and knee as a lever.
- * As the spine is twisted spirally, each movable vertebra rotates in its socket, as a result of which the spinal column, particularly the lumbar vertebrae, becomes more flexible.
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